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Pittsburgh, PA

Public-Private Partnership Innovator

Pittsburgh has developed innovative, public-private partnerships. These combined efforts are essential for the City to reach their goals for Smart Mobility and Context-Sensitive Street Design. In order to research and test their smart mobility visions, Pittsburgh has formal partnerships within the Metro21 Smart Institute and the SmartPGH Consortium. Active members within these groups include the City of Pittsburgh, regional governments and government agencies, Carnegie Mellon University, Uber, and community organizations.

To improve context sensitive street design, Pittsburgh has adopted a Complete Street Policy aligning with the City Mobility Principles. The City is also planning for an increasing population, therefore Pittsburgh is currently creating the 2070 Mobility Vision Plan with public input to reimagine their transportation management and prepare for growth. The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure partners with professional and community representatives on the Complete Streets Advisory Committee to outline these goals.

More neighborhood-scale initiatives are beginning to form, but so far the City has further developed their technological visions through public-private partnerships.

See more information about Pittsburgh's vision and policies below. 

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